At Cherry Orchard we aim to raise standards and achievement for all children through good and outstanding teaching and a dyslexia friendly environment. We believe that high standards of behaviour are achieved through working in partnership with parents and the community. Cultural diversity is valued and all members, both adults and children, are treated with respect. The early identification of individual needs, through on-going monitoring and assessment, enables us to meet the needs of all learners. In conjunction with Every Child Matters principles pupil standards are at the forefront of all we do. In a safe, healthy and stimulating environment, children are expected to achieve their full potential in order that they can gain economic well-being and make a positive contribution to society.
The curriculum is delivered so that tasks match the needs and abilities of our children. We are aware that at different times, and for a variety of reasons, children will at some stage require help and support additional to that which they receive in the classroom. We monitor children closely and set up good systems of support.
The school makes full use of all agencies which can help to ensure that every child’s needs are met. These agencies include support guidance and advice from speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, social services and waterside behaviour intervention team.
We work with a number of external agencies who are able to provide advice and support for our families. For more information please read our SEND policy and SEND information report below.
Click here to view our SEND Policy
Click here to see our Disability Access Plan
Click here to see our SEND Information Report